Regular Maintenance

  1. Use the upholstery or drape attachment to vacuum your furniture weekly and reduce the abrasive effect of dust and crumbs.
  2. Brushing fabric covers can damage the pile and affect its feel and durability.
  3. Fixed cover fabric suites should be professionally cleaned at least once a year.
  4. Clean all covers of a loose cover suite at the same time to prevent colour variations.
  5. If you spill something, blot up the excess immediately. Do not use detergents or rub as you could cause permanent damage.

Making It Last

  1. Do not have your furniture too close to direct heat or air conditioning. It can cause joints to dry out and squeaks and creaks to develop.
  2. Do not sit on the arms or allow children to jump on your suite. It will shorten the life span of your furniture dramatically.
  3. Remember light affects the colour of fabrics and leather. Over exposure to sunlight will cause your furniture to fade.
  4. Don’t pull loose threads, you could cause a hole. Trim them off neatly with sharp scissors.
  5. Rather than have a ‘favourite seat’, use your whole suite equally. This will keep your furniture looking the same all over and aging as one.
  6. Over time, perspiration and natural oils from our skins and hair can have an affect on the finish of leather. Where hands, bare arms or heads rest on the hide, wipe over regularly with a slightly damp cotton cloth and a mild soap. Do the same with any areas where pets may have rubbed against your furniture.
  7. Heavy perspiration can also affect the long term durability of fabric suites. We strongly recommend you use arm caps and, if necessary, antimacassars to protect your furniture.
  8. Do not leave newspapers lying on your suite. Ink can stain the cover permanently.
  9. Do not sit on light coloured suites, in particular pale leathers, wearing denim jeans or non colour-fast dark clothing. The dye can transfer on to your furniture and cause permanent discoloration.